• Krazy Koalas NFT are a non-fungible tokens collection built on the Ethereum network.
• The total number of owners for this collection has reached 3906 within 576 days since its release.
• The market capitalization of Krazy Koalas NFT is 0 ETH and the 30-day trading volume is kept at 0.05 ETH.
What is an Krazy Koalas NFT?
Krazy Koalas NFT are a non-fungible tokens collection built on the Ethereum network launched in 16 August, 2021. 9,975 items of the Krazy Koalas NFT collection can now be viewed at OpenSea.
How many owners does the Krazy Koalas NFT collection have?
The total number of owners has reached 3906 within 576 days since its release.
Krazy Koalas NFT Price and Sales
The market capitalization of Krazy Koalas NFT NFT collection is 0 ETH. Since created the Krazy Koalas NFT, 11,247 collections sales were made at an average price of 0.11 ETH (~$175.99 at the time of writing). This created a total volume in 1,188.833 ETH. The floor price of Krazy Koalas NFT is 0.008 and the 30-day trading volume is kept at 0.05 ETH. The payment tokens of the KrazyKoalaN FTcollectionareETH, WETH, APE..
Why are some NFTs expensive and others not?
NFTs are very new to the blockchain ecosystem and are still in their infancy. It is an emerging market meaning there is no historical data or precedence that can assist in determining the value of anN FTprojectsthatstartedatthebeginningofthemarketboom havegarneredlegitimacypurelybecausetheyhadafirst-moveradvantage.. These“established“N F Tprojec tshavealsohadtheopportunitytoimproveandlearnfromthe issuestha thaveplaguedtheNF Tmarke tandhaveinsuchawaysmade themselvesmorevaluable.. When thee NF T boom took flight, many people realized profits beyond their wildest dreams, creating a space for opportunists to take advantage of themarketgrowth.. While somen F Ts can be considered digitalart ,createdbyanartistwho recognizesthevalueNF Ts ca naddtothecreativespace ,othershave beenmadepurelyoutofgreedandaneedtoexploitimmensemarkets growth .NF Tprojects thatstem fromgreedand exploitation often havenovalueandareultimatelygarbage .